They had their 6 month doctor visit today. They're no longer on Zantac for acid reflux! Yeah!! Here are the 6 month stats with percentiles: Lucy weighs 15 lbs (30%), is 23 3/4 inches tall (less than 2%) , and has a head circumference of 17 3/8 inches (93%). Cameron weighs 15 lbs 4 oz (10%), is 24 1/2 inches tall (less than 2%), and has a head circumference of 17 inches (45%). Dr. Emm said they continue to look and do great!!
We're making our way through veggies! They've tried sweet peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash. Cameron has no problem eating any of the veggies but Lucy is a whole other story. So far she hates all the veggies except squash. After having a few bites of carrots, peas, or sweet potatoes, she turns her head, clamps her mouth shut, and starts fussing until we give her cereal instead. We knew from very early on that she would have a strong opinion about many things in her world. We laugh about how one of the nursery nurses described Lucy when she was hungry one time and said "she's madder than a hornet." :-) She lets us know when she doesn't care for something or has a need she would like met. On the flip side though, she gets very excited, smiles readily, and laughs at so many things. The twins still have rice and oatmeal cereal daily along with their veggies. Fruit is coming up next! I have a hunch miss Lucy will enjoy fruit. They are very interested in the process of meal time and both like to grab the spoon at times. If Jeremy or I are drinking or eating something while holding one of the twins, they will reach out to touch whatever we have. Aside from the food department, they are having 6, 4 oz bottles daily.
They do awesome with their sleep routines some days and other days, not so much. Pretty much every night they are in bed between 7:15 and 7:45 p.m. On an awesome sleep night, they stay asleep until 5:00 a.m. or longer. On a not so awesome night, they wake up several times for a variety of reasons. It's been a tough month with colds, congestion, and more teething symptoms for Cameron; all of which make sleeping hard for them. Overall though, we're thrilled with their progress and the fact that they sleep through the night a couple nights a week or more. Lucy is still transitioning out of sleeping in her infant carrier. We start her laying flat in her crib at night and she usually ends up in her carrier by morning time. It's still a work in progress. They both nap laying flat in their pack n' plays during the day. Most days consist of 3-4 naps a day.
They're currently in size 2 diapers and just switched to 6 month clothing. Some of their 3 month clothes still fit but for Cameron particularly, most of the 3 month clothing is too short.
We retired their baby swings and bouncy seats this month and got out their jumperoos and exersaucer. Lucy has mastered jumping in the jumperoo which is really funny and cute to watch. Cameron hasn't quite figured out how to jump in the jumperoo but loves it if we do it for him. They both figured out how to turn around in their jumperoos or exersaucer. Some days they strategically face themselves towards the TV. It amazes me how much they suddenly enjoy their toys. They want to grab and touch everything! Musical toys are a hit this month which is lots of fun. They enjoy watching the dogs run around and think they are pretty funny. They still enjoy being read to, which I love. Cameron and Lucy can sit by themselves for a few seconds at a time before toppling sideways. Cameron is still the master roller. Overall though, they seem to have the most fun laying on their backs playing with toys or being entertained by someone. Cameron finds Lucy very entertaining. He watches her then smiles and laughs! It's the sweetest thing to see! They hold hands on occasion or just watch one another to see what the other is up to.
We took them shopping for the first time this month. The only place we went was Hobby Lobby and they did great. They rode around contently in their stroller. We took them to their first birthday party. Our neighbor Scarlett Milligan turned two and the twins even got to bring home party favors. Lucy was a tad overwhelmed by the crowd at first but then settled down and stayed contently with Jeremy and I. Cameron let our friend Felicia give him a bottle at the party. It seems like Lucy startles more easily and is starting to get scared by strangers or faces she doesn't recognize. Cameron pretty much takes it all in stride so far.
It's so crazy to us to think about how far the twins have come since they were born. We watched the video from the day they were born and it literally feels like yesterday. Not to get too emotional here but I remember going into labor on Thursday evening and being so excited to know our twins were finally ready to enter the world. We knew we would soon be able to see their sweet faces and snuggle them in our arms. Right after birth we grew so scared to learn Cameron had breathing difficulty at first and was being given oxygen. I wasn't allowed to hold him like I was Lucy until several hours later. After that scare was over, we thought everything was fine but then they had to have feeding tubes and had to stay in incubators for 12 days. We were nervous/scared during that time and had no idea when our hospital stay would be over. The twins had a very hard time gaining weight at first and could not hold their body temperatures. Little by little though, their little bodies figured everything out and they started thriving. In the grand scheme of things though, these initial limitations were peanut size problems compared to what many babies deal with who are born early. 6 months later, we have 2 perfectly happy healthy little ones who are full of life and personality!!! Cameron and Lucy, boy how you both have changed in the past 6 months!!!
These little incubators are where they spent their first 12 days. The quilts were given to them from the nursing staff as part of Project Linus. We brought the quilts home and have used them for photos and play time. One day we will put the quilts on their beds once they are out of their cribs.
So tiny!! Those hats seemed huge on their little heads. I used to be able to snuggle them both while laying on my lap with ease!
One of our first days at home with the twins. In these 2 pictures, they were both still wearing preemie clothing and preemie diapers. We were headed to a doctor's appointment for the twins. Jeremy looks like a giant!
Fast forward 6 months...and we have happy, healthy, chubby cheeked, little pumpkins getting ready to celebrate their first Halloween!
Fun with toys!
Jumperoos are fun!!
They're not so tiny in our arms any more!! :-)
Cameron is all smiles!! Above he is getting some good laughs while daddy tickles him. Below, he is laughing because he thinks Lucy is just so fun to watch!!
Classic Lucy food shot. I think she is saying, "sweet peas taste like dirt." :-)
6 month puppy dog shots!
The puppy dogs have some serious size competition!! :-)