Saturday, February 9, 2013

9 Months Old - Getting bigger by the minute!

The twinsies turned 9 months old on February 4th :-) I think they grow each and every day. They had their 9 month doctor's appointment on February 6th. They got a great report and their doctor said they are ahead of the game socially. We'll definitely take that since he also said they have some catching up to do physically. To clarify, he said if we use their adjusted age, they're right on track and exactly where he would expect them to be. So we'll take that, too!! For their 9 month stats: Cameron weighed in at 18 lbs 8 oz (30%), he's 26 3/4 inches long (5%), and his head measured 18 inches 75%). Lucy weighed in at 17 lbs 10 oz (50%), is 25 1/4 inches long (2%), and her head measured 18 1/8 inches (94%). These are their unadjusted stats. Our little peanuts are getting so big!!!

The past month has of course been filled with more colds and an ear infection for each of them. Fevers have been common and runny noses are the norm. I had 3 bottles of baby Tylenol and Ibuprofen and we've gone through all of them. Off to CVS tomorrow! We added baby Claritin to our medicine cabinet. Their pediatrician Dr. Emm suggested trying it when their runny noses are really bad. We tried it this week and it seemed to help. The twins don't sleep that great when they are sick. It's hard for them with super stuffy noses or ear aches. We do our best to keep their noses suctioned out and utilize their humidifier most nights. Needless to say, but we're beyond ready for Spring around here!

The biggest news this month is the twins both said their very first word!!! Cameron said Mama on January 6th and Lucy said Dada on January 9th. They've been working on their baby babbles for months so it was really exciting to hear them form real words. Cameron can say Mom and he also says Bob which is absolutely hilarious. Jeremy has an uncle Bob but they've only met him once. Apparently he made a big impression on Cameron! ;-) Lucy loves to sing to herself. If someone dances around with her or sings, she usually tries to keep pace and kind of hums her own version. Actually both the twins adore being sung to. They're very big fans of Itsy Bitsy Spider. Grammy and auntie Andrea reported that Cameron tries to do the hand motions to Itsy Bitsy. I haven't seen this but they both get excited to hear the song. Another favorite is the Wheels on the Bus. They hear this a lot at Little Jewels (they're there 3 days a week). I guess it's a fan favorite in their classroom! Jeremy and I entertain ourselves by singing rap songs (the select ones we know the words to from high school days) to the twins and giving them some pretty sweet dance moves. They love it! It's a good thing no one is running after Jeremy and I with a video camera. We do a pretty good job of catching the twins tricks on camera though.

Their jumperoos and exersaucers still entertain them and see some intense jumps! I swear they are going to jump up and out of those things one day. Cameron can also bounce while he sits. He learned how to blow air out of his mouth and loves to blow on his hands. Jeremy teases him and asks if his hands are on fire. Lucy blows so hard she sounds like a little baby elephant. She doesn't blow on her hands, but seems to enjoy the noise she makes. Lucy pulled herself up to a standing position. We were having quiet time in the nursery one evening, which usually consists of stories, playing on the floor for a bit, and letting them play in their cribs while they wind down. I was trying to take Cameron's picture while Jeremy was getting him to laugh. Lucy was sitting in her crib. Next thing I know, I turned around and Lucy had pulled herself up on the crib rail. She was very proud of her new trick. Jeremy immediately lowered her crib mattress so she doesn't tumble out on her head. Both twins love to stand up and hold on to someone, the ottoman, or the couch. Standing seems like the greatest thing ever to them! We don't have any official crawlers yet. More rolling, some scooting, and some very earnest effort though!

The twins had a play date with their buddies Jonah, Reagan, and Jameson this month. Grandpa John and Suzanne came up for a quick visit and came bearing Christmas gifts. The twins scored some adorable clothes and musical books. Cameron and Lucy also helped Jeremy celebrate his 32nd birthday! Unfortunately I was sick with the flu during Jeremy's birthday weekend. My family did their best to make his birthday special for him with dinner and dessert and helped him out with the twins, too. Jeremy was super dad that weekend and did the brunt of pretty much everything around here while I stayed quarantined in the bedroom. We did everything in our power to prevent the twins (and Jeremy) from also getting the flu. It could have been real ugly around here!!! Knock on one else got it. Shocking since they seem to pick up every other germ in town!

Other updates....They still take 2-3 naps a day. They nap around 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Sometimes they also take a cat nap around 4:30ish. Bedtime is still 7:30. We couldn't keep them up later if we tried. They do lots of playing each day and absolutely wear themselves out. Bath time is a huge hit around here. They love their bath toys. Cameron does not enjoy getting water in is eyes. He also isn't the biggest fan of wind in his eyes.  Both make him cry :-( Strangers and faces Lucy doesn't immediately recognize make her cry. She's shy and definitely needs time to warm up to people she doesn't see all the time. Cameron takes people in stride. Everyone is a friend to him. Their feeding routine is pretty much the same as last month. They have 5 bottles a day with almost 5 oz of formula in each. They have oatmeal cereal for breakfast (4 tablespoons), fruit and veggies for lunch (about 6 oz) and then rice cereal (4 tablespoons) followed with fruit or a veggie (2 oz) for dinner. They get puffs for an afternoon snack. For the most part, they like all the flavors of fruit and veggies along with the combination jars. The twins occasionally drink water from a sippy cup but still prefer their bottles by far! Cameron and Lucy both transitioned to 9 month clothing this month and are still in size 3 diapers.

I'm sure I'm forgetting to give an update on something but it's hard to keep track of it all!! Cameron and Lucy are keeping us on our toes and giving us many laughs. They make sure we're ready for bed by about 9 every night, too!! :-) 

Getting so big!

Watching cop shows with daddy.

 They love blocks, toys that spin, and toys with music!!
"YAaaah!!!" (that's the sound she made!)

"Heeyyy" (sometimes it sounds like Cameron says hey or hi).

This was the first time Lucy pulled herself to a standing position all by herself! Her crib was immediately lowered ;-)

I think Cameron is looking at us as if to say, "my sister is crazy!"

Floor time!

They love this activity block. It's been sitting in their nursery since before they were born and they are so into it lately!

Mommy time! I don't think I'll be able to hold them both much longer!
9 month puppy dog pics. They were thrilled, can't you tell?!


Onto their 10th month!! :-)