Lucy began pulling herself up on things last month. This month she has been working on perfecting this move. She can pull herself up on us, furniture, and some of her toys. Daycare reported she pulls herself up on pretty much everything in their classroom. Cameron tries so very hard to do the same thing and even managed to pull himself up on one of their toys once!! He absolutely loves to stand. If someone helps him stand by holding his hands or resting his hands against a piece of furniture, he's happy as a clam. They both like to practice walking with some hand holding and guidance from mom and dad. It's so darn cute to watch their faces light up with pride for themselves. They can't exactly crawl but each have their own modified version. Cameron figured out how to flip himself from a sitting position to laying down by somehow getting his legs tucked around and under him. Then he does his inchworm crawl move still. Lucy can go from sitting to the crawl position very quickly and then back again. She also likes to make a bridge out of herself and prop her tummy up off the ground. The twins take great delight in taking off their socks (or each others socks) and have also figured out how to pull their hats off. Each day when I take them to daycare or my mom's house for the day, I can pretty much guarantee that by the time we get there, their stocking hats will be pulled off. They are really good at throwing things now, too. They can throw their hats, their pacifiers, and some of their toys. One of Cameron's favorite new games is to throw his toys or a burp rag off his highchair and then watch someone pick it up for him. They both take great delight in peek-a-boo this month. I've been working hard at teaching them to clap. So far Lucy is entertained by my incessant clapping but does not have much interest in doing it herself yet. Cameron on the other hand, has learned how to clap. He watches intently as we clap and then eventually starts putting his hands together. The clap is usually accompanied by a yell of some sort. The twins definitely aren't short on stories to tell. They love to babble. It's funny though, Lucy's talking has gotten softer and Cameron's has gotten louder. One of their favorite games currently is to watch the dogs and find the dogs. Charlie will lay there very content while the twins pet him and grab his fur. They crack up laughing when they get to touch the dogs or watch them run around. Lucy really likes to look outside. She'll watch the dogs outside, look at falling snow or rain, or just simply look around the yard and put her hands up against the glass. Jeremy and I really excited for Spring/Summer with the twins and can't wait to get them outside to explore and play!!
Cameron and Lucy celebrated their first Valentine's Day on February 14th! It was a normal day for us all since it was a work day and daycare day. After we got home that evening, we let them open the Valentine's Day gifts. We got them each a couple books about love and a rubber duckie with a heart on it. They had fun opening their gifts and seemed most intrigued by the gift bag! We took them sledding out in our yard one afternoon. We bundled them up in warm clothes, coats, hats, and gloves and strapped them into their snow sleds with blankets. We pulled them around the front yard and side yard for a short bit. They really seemed to like it! We couldn't stop laughing at them. Probably because I also put sunglasses on them since it was so sunny outside. Pictures below! We took the twins with us to run errands a few times this month. We went to Lowe's, Furniture Row, and Hobby Lobby with them (on different days). On the Lowe's trip, Cameron got to ride in the cart seat and had a blast. We also took them to have their 9 month photos taken and they were such troopers! The photo session lasted over 2 hours and they didn't start to get cranky until the very end. We were impressed! Nana Mary Jane (Jer's mom) came and watched the twins all day one day because my mom was sick with the flu (that I had graciously passed on to her - oops!). They had a fun day and enjoyed the extra bonding time with their nana!
Their food/bottle routine has pretty much stayed the same. They're still loving Gerber puffs and are experts at shoveling them into their tiny mouths. We also gave them yogurt melts and they were a hit! They still take 2 naps a day that last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour-ish and occasionally have a late afternoon cat nap when they fall asleep on the ride home after work. Bedtime has remained at 7:30. When they're healthy and feeling good, they sleep great! Unfortunately though, we've had another long month with colds and another ear infection for Cameron. As I'm writing this, I'm hoping I didn't just jinx us all since they're healthy today. I hate to wish for time to pass but we're more than ready for Spring!! The twins are both in size 3 diapers and 9 month clothing this month.
The twins finally have some teeth coming in!! We've been waiting on these for months since it seems like they have been teething for quite some time. Lucy has 2 teeth starting to come in on the bottom front and Cameron has one coming in on the front bottom right. We are just starting to see and feel the very tops of these teeth.
I think that covers the 10 month highlights :-)
Enjoying some puffs on Valentine's Day! Delicious!
Opening their V-day gifts and being distracted by daddy :-)
We introduced them to the joy of bowls and wooden spoons this month! It was an entire weekend of entertainment! They love to make music.
Mr. Cool in his dinosaur hoodie :-)
Yay blocks!
Cameron loves the new musical zoo toy! He figured out how to press the button and make the animals spin around.
Lucy is practicing being a bridge!
My grandpa brought this rocking chair over for the twins. My sister, my cousins, and I all sat in this when we were little. This chair has been in the family for many years!
Tickle Me Elmo and Bounce With Me Tigger (not pictured) are pretty much the greatest toys ever. Not sure who enjoys them or the twins!
Well hello there sibling!
All bundled up and ready for sledding!
Check out those shades ;-) I think I needed a pair!
Come on daddy, let's go sledding!
10 month puppy dog pictures. They wouldn't sit still for anything! Cameron's face cracks me up as he watches Lucy take off.