Friday, May 22, 2015

Twin 3 Year Olds in the House, Plus 1 on the Way!!

Wow, a lot has happened since my last blog post. To say we have been busy is the understatement of the year. Well Cameron and Lucy just turned 3 on May 4th! So hard to believe they hit this milestone already! And our family is growing! They have a baby brother due to arrive on September 6th this year. We are all so excited and cannot wait for him to get here!

Becoming pregnant took some hard work again (both physically and emotionally) but our diligence paid off. We worked with Dr. Gratkins and Deb Gromley here in town and then Dr. Jarrett in Indianapolis, IN. We officially found out I was pregnant on NYE, December 31st. :-) Such wonderful news that absolutely made our day (and week and month and year)! We shared the news with family on Wednesday, January 14th and had a Big Brother Big Sister celebration for Cameron and Lucy. They each received a book about the special role they will play when the baby arrives and got a few extra presents as well.

March 25th was my 16 week checkup at Dr. Gratkins office. Jeremy and I were hoping we could find out the sex of the baby on this day and we were not disappointed. While the sonogram tech was checking the baby over Jeremy declared, "It's a boy!" the tech eventually agreed. There was no doubt about it, we were having another boy! I was in shock and over the moon excited. The combination of 2 boys and a girl seems perfect for our family. Cameron will have a little buddy to wrestle and tackle with (2 of his favorite things) and Lucy will do a great job bossing them both around and relishing all her girliness (2 of her favorite things)! The staff at Dr. Gratkins' office was very excited for us and as the news spread throughout the office several made a point to share their excitement with us. We had family over for dinner that evening and did a gender reveal. I purchased blue balloons and stuffed them in a giant gift bag. Cameron and Lucy opened up the balloons and found out they were having a brother! They were really excited as was the rest of the family!

On March 31st, I felt our baby boy kick and move for the first time. I had felt light flutters before but this was definitely baby movement! As I laid in bed for the night he seemed to be having a mini dance party in my tummy. Such an amazing and wondrous feeling that of course had this mommy in tears!

April 22nd was my 20 week checkup. The sonogram tech was not able to get all the measurements she wanted including lower legs and the cord insertion point. So we'll try again next week at the 24 week appointment. What she was able to measure looked great though and baby boy is measuring right on schedule. He was sitting breach so I think that aided to the measurement difficulty. Of course I'm in a slight state of worry that will not go away until they can complete their measurements but as a mom I've learned that there's always something to worry about! In the mean time though we've been busy creating the nursery. Jeremy and Uncle Ben got the room all painted and did a great job! Jeremy put the crib together and painted a whicker dresser navy blue. I found a gray and white shelf at Ikea and have been busy ordering accessories for the room. We love love love the way the nursery is turning out! I think getting the nursery going has gotten Cameron and Lucy even more excited about their baby brother. They love to play in there or sit in the rocker with me and read. They like to play baby brother with Lucy's baby dolls which is super cute. One night at bedtime as I was tucking Cameron in he said, "I want to kiss the baby" and then leaned over and kissed my tummy. Too sweet! They frequently ask about baby brother being in my tummy. Cameron has asked on several occasions if baby brother is stuck in my tummy or if he's crying. I know adjusting to a baby being around may be difficult for them at first but at the same time, I know they are going to be such a good big brother and big sister.

On May 4th the twins turned 3! We celebrated that weekend by heading to the Peoria Zoo on Saturday with Uncle Ben and Auntie Annie. It was a fun morning seeing the animals and then eating lunch at the zoo. The monkey and reptile room was not a hit this year. Lucy particularly wanted no part of it. I can't say I blame her due to the awful smell! Aside from that though they had fun seeing the wallabies, giraffes, rhinos, tigers, etc. Sunday evening we had dinner at Grammy and Papa's and opened presents. Then Monday I stayed home with the twins so we could spend their birthday together. We opened their presents first thing that morning with Daddy. Cameron got a large firehouse play set, a personalized Thomas the Train engine and book and Lucy got a large dollhouse, personalized book "Lucy's Tea Party" and a personalized purse. We ate breakfast (completed by both smashing blackberries on their foreheads), played with their new scooters (from Grammy and Papa), and then headed to Mayol Plumbing and Heating to visit Papa, Grammy, and Auntie Annie at the office. They had great fun pretending to answer the phone and write out invoices! We left there and headed to Sweet Temptations to pick out yummy cupcakes. We spend the evening playing as a family once Daddy got home. On Saturday, May 9th we had a big birthday celebration that included family and friends. There was about 50 people here including 18 kids I think. The theme was picked by the twins and it was a Super Frozen party! I decorated the house and themed the food with all things super heroes or the characters from the Disney movie Frozen. We played 2 games at the party called Hulk Smash (consisted of smashing ice cream cones with a blow up hammer) and the Eternal Winter Snowball Toss (consisted of tossing cotton snowballs into a bucket). Cameron really enjoyed the Hulk Smash game as did the other kids! After the big party activities were over including opening presents and singing Happy Birthday, the twins had tons of fun running around the house with their little friends. It really made my heart happy to watch them take friends upstairs to show off their bedrooms and have fun interacting with their little buddies. It was truly a great day! They ended the evening by dancing with Uncle Benny and tackling Uncle James.

Cameron: Cameron is such a sweetheart with a kind and sensitive soul. He frequently tells us he loves us and always wants one more "hug and a kiss". Any time one of us leaves he asks for several hugs and kisses then runs to the window to wave until he can't see us any more. He's quite attached to his pacifier (okay 4 pacifiers) and his dog stuffed animals. He named 2 of them Brownie and Charlie (our boxer Charlie passed away a few months back and Cameron is helping to cope with this by having his stuffed animal Charlie). He has an ornery streak, is very silly, and absolutely loves to laugh. He loves to be tickled and to make anything a game. Some of his favorite things to do include play chase (this includes wanting chased when it's bath time, bed time, potty time, dinner time, you name it), tackle, run around, visit the park, and anything having to do with super heroes, Ninja Turtles, and Thomas the Train. He is a big fan of the Avengers, Batman, Super Man, and Spiderman. He has many Super Hero toys, books, and clothes. Sometimes at meals he will not eat unless his super heroes are lined up across the table by him! He's really getting into sports as well including watching them on TV with Daddy, pretending he's a Chicago Bear playing football, playing golf with his plastic golf clubs, or hitting the baseball in the backyard. He is a big fan of his Daddy and says Daddy is his buddy. He likes to ride around on his tricycle but usually uses the Fred Flintstone method instead of pedaling. Sometimes we can get him to pedal but it takes some coaxing. He has a strong vocabulary and frequently surprises us with the things he says or thinks to ask. He is shy at times when he first gets around people but little by little this seems to be going away. Personally I still enjoy the moments when he looks to me for guidance or wants to latch on to my leg. He will also turn to Lucy if he feels unsure about something and waits for her to take the lead. He loves his sister very much and makes sure she's looked after if she gets upset or cries. He is doing a good job with potty training and is currently wearing pull-ups. He uses the potty several times each day but it usually takes some convincing by one of us to get him to go. He's a slightly picky eater but not too bad, and his favorite color is blue. He still loves books including his new interest in the Paw Patrol books. He knows the alphabet song and can identify numerous letters and words that start with a particular letter. He can recognize his name if written down. He is good at counting (to 10 or 20) and enjoys being sung to or singing. He loves having You are My Sunshine sung to him and often requests this.

Lucy: Lucy is very loving and is quick to give us hugs or kisses or a pat on the back. She is a great helper and loves to help clean or water flowers. She also has an ornery streak as well as a stubborn streak that her Daddy swears came from me. I have no idea what he's talking about ;-) She gets her mind set on something and persuading her otherwise is no small feat. Her favorite things are anything having to do with the movie Frozen, her baby dolls, washing dishes/playing in the sink, visiting the park, and being outside. She loves to snuggle with her blankie and her pacifier and frequently requests an extra snuggle. She really enjoys riding her tricycle (although usually takes Cameron's instead of her own) and swinging out back. I think she could swing for hours at a time. She is great at climbing and basic sports activities. Lucy is shy particularly around grownup guys still but she seems to have outgrown crying from this fear. Lucy loves to pretend play with her baby dolls or grabs a purse and tells us she is doing things with her girlfriends or taking someone to the hospital or doctor. I think this stems from hearing that their Papa was in the hospital (blood clots) and Auntie Annie was in the hospital (surgery for an ovarian neoplasm). We did not have the twins visit them in the hospital but they heard the term enough that it's become a frequent topic in their pretend play. Fortunately both Papa and Annie are doing very well and hopefully all will be avoiding the hospital again any time soon. She has really gotten into my jewelry and even convinced me to paint her nails. She is a big fan of her Mommy and Grammy as well. She is doing good with potty training and currently wearing Pull-Ups. Sometimes she refuses to use the potty or take a bath but usually we can convince her to do both. She is a very picky eater and her favorite color is purple. She loves books including her Sesame Street story book and Madeline. She knows the alphabet song, can count to 10 or 20 usually, and loves to sing. She likes You are My Sunshine and Skip to My Lou along with any nursery rhyme song.

I am going to do my best to make more blog posts soon. For now though all I can say is that we are extremely blessed to have Cameron and Lucy and another sweet bundle of joy on the way. Each day with these love bugs is a great day and watching them grow and enjoy life is an experience like no other. I am so proud of them and love each and every thing that makes them who they are. Often times at night, after they go to sleep, their Daddy and I spend some time laughing over the silly things Cameron or Lucy did that day or going over the little moments that made us smile. What amazing blessings they are to us!

Super Frozen party pictures! About 50 friends and family members came over to help Cameron and Lucy celebrate! Such fun! They had a blast playing with friends!

Birthday morning! Getting ready to open presents from Mommy and Daddy!

Watching the fish at the Peoria Zoo

Sweet boy with 2 of his favorite stuffed animals, Charlie dog and Brownie dog.
It's a boy! Baby Boy Bradley #3 due Sept. 6th 2015!


Cameron & Lucy are 2! (delayed post from May 2014)

It's been almost a year since my last blog post. To say we've been wonderfully busy would be the understatement of the year. Between Jeremy and I both working full time, the 2 dogs, and the twins, we're constantly on the go. Even if it's just running around the house or the yard, I don't think we really sit down until it's bed time. We wouldn't have it any other way though. So much has happened in the last (almost) year. This might be a long post just trying to catch up but I'll try to stick to the highlights.

Catch up: Cameron and Lucy had an amazing summer last year. They got quite a bit of use out of their swingset, water table and mini plastic pool in the backyard. We took several trips to State Farm Park where they got acquainted with the big pool and learned to love watching and feeding the ducks. For the most part they were content to splash around in the very shallow water areas at the pool or play with their toys on the side. Lucy was a little braver in the water and liked to walk (with help) in areas up to her chest. It will be interesting to see what they think of the pool this summer. In the bathtub at night they like to "swim" and flop on their bellies and splash around. It's so cute! Often times this results in one of them saying "kiss!" and they give each other a quick kiss. One day they're going to dislike their mama for sharing that story but it's so endearing to watch! We've gone through a wide array of bath toys in the past year. Lately their favorite toys are special bath crayons Annie and Ben gave them and a plastic bucket set from the Tulliers. I'm finding myself moving from last summer to present, so my apologies if these stories bounce around a bit.

Fall: We visited Rader Farms again with Papa, Grammy, Annie, and Ben. Cameron and Lucy had a blast looking at pumpkins and having a picnic lunch at the farm. Last year for Halloween Lucy was a black kitty and Cameron was a dalmation puppy. We put them in their costumes a few weeks before Halloween and they had an absolute blast running around the basement in them. We had a Halloween party at our house last year on October 25th and invited friends of all ages. It was cute to see all the kids dressed up. Then on the 26th, we drove to southern Illinois for Jeremy's Nana's 80th birthday party. It was a fun day and the twins got to meet a bunch of the Kigin family. We did a big lunch at Giant City State Park and then the 4 of us headed to Uncle Pat's house for dinner with the Bradley clan. We drove home that evening. We're almost certain that Cameron was bit by a nasty spider while in southern Illinois. By the 28th, he had a nasty spot on the back of his leg that was oozing. We took him to the pediatrician's office the next morning and learned he had staph infection. This was treated with antibiotics and fortunately healed quickly. The evening of Halloween we had a family dinner at our house and answered the door for trick or treaters. The twins weren't the least bit interested in answering the door or their costumes the night of Halloween. That's okay though! On Novemer 20th, we took Cameron and Lucy to see Sesame Street Live at the U.S. Cellular Coliseum. Kristy and Jonah Hunt came, too. We were unsure how they would do at such a large show but it went really well! Cameron got very into the show and loved singing and dancing along to the music. I think this was when his love of Sesame Street really took off. Lucy was semi-interested in the show but seemed to have the best time with daddy walking her around. Since then we've learned that Lucy really can't sit still...home or in public...she's very busy :) Cameron is also a mover and a shaker but he definitely can be content doing one thing much longer than Lucy. I just love seeing how similar they are in some ways but yet so very different in others! We spent Thanksgiving day at Grammy and Papa's. We all had fun playing and eating way too much. Friday after Thanksgiving the 8 of us drove to Indianapolis. It was the twins first overnight out of town trip and first time staying in a hotel. To sum it up, we had an amazing weekend!! We stayed 2 nights at the Embassy Suites in downtown Indy. On Friday evening we ate dinner at Panera and then headed to the Indianapolis Zoo. It was lit up with lights and trees decorated for Christmas. Everything looked so pretty! We got to see many animals including penguins, dolphins, fish, and shark to name a few. Cameron LOVED the shark tank. Lucy had the most fun bopping around the paths outside and trying to climb into the light displays. On Saturday morning we visited the giant Children's Museum. Cameron and Lucy had fun in the little kids area Playscape and also checking out the exhibits for the bigger kids. We took a spin on the Merry Go Round but only Lucy enjoyed that. Side note, Andrea and I rode the Merry Go Round with the twins at Miller Park Zoo a few weeks ago and both of them enjoyed it this time! After the ride was over Cameron repeatedly asked for "more ride." After the Children's Museum visit, I went shopping with Andrea and my mom while the boys and twins napped. Well at least grampy and the twins napped. That evening we ate dinner at the hotel and then headed home the next morning. On Saturday evening, Lucy developed a fever but it was short lived and she was pretty much back to normal the next morning.

Winter: Christmas is our favorite time of year. Well, at least it's mine but I think I'm doing a good job of getting the others in this house into it as well. Our house was decorated from top to bottom with decorations. The twins enjoyed the tree this year and even did a good job staying away from the ornaments. I made sure to only put non-breakables around the bottom but they pretty much left them alone. Grammy reported that they were a little more hands on with her tree. Probably because she had about 10,000 ornaments on it ;-) Cameron and Lucy had fun playing with their Fisher Price nativity scene and Fisher Price Santa train throughout the season. We visited the Festival of Trees at the Interstate Center. Aside from the Grinch Who Stole Christmas tree, the twins probably would have preferred to stay home. There were some neat trees to look at though. The weekend before Christmas we spent celebrating with Jeremy's side of the family. We did Christmas at our house on Saturday with Grandpa John, Suzanne, Uncle James, Dan, Aunt Megan, and Cora. Then on Sunday we headed out to Bussy and Nana's for another Christmas celebration. It was neat for the twins to get some rare time with their cousin Cora. They moved to Ohio in 2013. On Christmas Eve we attended church at Wesley United Methodist with great grandpa and Uncle James. We came back here for dinner where cousins Kaci and Abby joined us. Each of the twins got to open one gift from us. Cameron got a mini Thomas the Train set and Lucy got a play purse with accessories. The next morning we opened gifts from Santa with the twins. It was so much fun watching them get excited about their gifts! We helped them open some of them but they opened some, too. Some of their gifts included a play kitchen, stuffed dalmations (they're in love with the movie 101 Dalmations), Sesame Street books, sunglasses, clothes, etc. Late morning we headed to Grammy and Papa's house for Christmas with them and Annie and Ben. It was a great day full of laughter, food, and gifts. We all couldn't believe how much the twins have grown in the past year and how different the holidays had been with them! They could talk, open gifts, get excited about them, and run around and play with everything. Papa even got out his train set. I think they will love this even more this year. We only played in the snow one time this winter. It was a pretty frigid and snow filled winter around here. I was too nervous to take them outside with bitter windchills. Late one morning though, Andrea and I took the twins in our front yard and let them play in the snow. They had fun marching in the snow and trying to walk in it. In mid February we made a change in their daycare situation. We had a couple small issues with their current sitter and some things just made me uncomfortable. I was able to change my work schedule so I could have Fridays off with the twins. Jeremy's mom graciously offered to keep the twins 2 days a week while my mom continued to do the other 2 days. This has been working great for all of us and it's a huge relief knowing the twins are with family all week long.

Spring: We celebrated Easter by going to church with Great Grandpa at Wesley. The church was beyond crowded so had to sit in the garden room. That was okay though because we got to have doughnuts and the twins were able to walk around a bit. After church we headed to Bussy and Nana's house to celebrate with Bussy's family and have Easter lunch. The twins had fun playing with Jersey (Bussy's granddaughter) particularly, who is a few years older than they are. Then we headed home for naps. It was a hot day so we all changed into cooler, comfier clothes and headed to Grammy and Papa's house after naps. We spent most of our time outside and the twins even got into the Easter Egg Hunt. Lucy was all about finding the eggs. Cameron found a couple eggs with some train pieces in them and settled in at the picnic table playing with his trains. Since Christmas, Cameron has grown to love trains particularly Thomas the Train! With the warmer weather we have spent a ton of time outside. The twins adore the outdoors and will ask to go outside any chance they get. The love the swingset out back and playing in the yard. We've visited several parks already and they have an absolute blast climbing and going down the slides. With Fridays off, I get to take them on special Friday adventures with Auntie Ann including the Normal Public Library, the Children's Discovery Museum, Miller Park Zoo, and the parks near our neighborhood. Both Cameron and Lucy's eyes jsut light up when we tell them we're heading to the park. I think the love the freedom they feel being able to run around and play as they wish in the open air. We've officially retired the stroller and stick to wagon rides, which they really enjoy.

2nd Birthday: The biggest event this Spring has been Cameron and Lucy's 2nd birthday. I can still hardly believe that they turned 2 on May 4th. In many ways, the past year has flown by at warp speed. Thinking back over the year though, I realize how many special things we've gotten to do with them. Watching them grow, develop, and talk more and more has kept me in constant awe of them. The theme for their birthday this year was Sesame Street of course. They are both pretty darn obsessed with Sesame Street. They can name all the characters and have numerous Sesame Street toys, books, and stuffed animals. They turned 2 on a Sunday. The day before we headed to the Peoria Zoo with Grammy, Papa, Auntie Ann, and Uncle Ben. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time. We love the Peoria Zoo (we also made a visit there last summer) because they have some large animals but it's not so spread out and crowded as the big city zoos. Cameron will sit and watch the animals for a while. His favorite was the tiger. I had to literally pry him away! Lucy had fun at the zoo as well but she would look at animals shortly, then declare "more" and want to move on. We ate lunch at the zoo and then headed home. On the day of their birthday we had doughnuts at home and opened gifts from Jeremy and I. They got a train table, new shoes, some outdoor doors, water paints, a soccer ball, and some baby doll things. We also headed to the park down the street to play. Late afternoon we headed to Grammy and Papa's for Monicals Pizza, and cookie cake made by Auntie Ann. They loved singing Happy Birthday and insisted we sing a second round. It was too cute! The Saturday after their birthday we had a big Sesame Street themed party at our house. Family and many friends came over to celebrate. There was around 45 people here ranging in age from a few weeks old and over 70. We had tons of food, played 2 games (fishing and garbage toss), had cake, and opened presents. We were fortunate enough to have nice weather so we spent much of the party time outdoors. Cameron and Lucy each had their own 8 inch round cake complete with candles to blow out. I was a little nervous they would cry when everyone sang to them (they still get overwhelmed by strangers at times) but they liked it! We told them they could dig into their cakes but each one was pretty modest about it. Cameron had a couple samples of the frosting but Lucy took maybe 2 bites. To be honest, we've only ever let them have cake or ice cream on special occassions so they really aren't that into cake. I'm certain that will change with time! After a full week of celebrating, they were pooped by Saturday night and also extremely blessed to have been surrounded by so many that love them and so many wonderful gifts!

Unfortunately, at least for Cameron, things took a bit of a turn for the worse from here. On Saturday afternoon I noticed a few red spots on his stomach. I chalked it up to running around outside on a warm day and made a mental note to monitor the spots. When he got up the next morning, the spots had turned into a rash and we pretty wide spread thoughout his mid-section. Jeremy gave him and Lucy a cool bath (they hated this) while I called their doctor's after hours line. I was transferred to a nurse in St. Louis who advised us to keep watching it, give him Benadryl and follow up with the pediatrician the next morning. So we did just that and headed to Mother's Day brunch at the DoubleTree Hotel with my family, Jer's mom and Bussy, and his daughter Kim and her family. It was a very nice brunch and the twins had fun walking around grabbing plates of food with us. We headed home after brunch and after saying goodbye to Grandpa John, Suzanne, and James (they had come to town for the birthday party), we put them down for naps. When Cameron got up his rash was even worse and he was starting to swell in his legs. By 6pm that evening, he had a swollen face, swollen ankles, elbows, feet, knees, and hands. Even his tongue was a bit swollen. His rash was crazy in that it seemed to take on different forms from hives, to spots, to swelling welts around his armpits. I called my mom so she could come stay with Lucy and then we headed to the ER at BroMenn. We were seen by a doctor pretty quickly and Cameron was given some steroids. They monitored him for a few hours while Cameron enjoyed his first popcicle and we watched Full House from the hospital bed. They sent us home after 10pm with a Rx for more steroids, a 4ml dose, said it was likely a virus, and gave us instructions to call our regular doctor in 2 to 3 days. Dr. Patel (the ER dr) also said to watch out for increased swelling that may have to be drained with a needle. By Tuesday morning, Cameron still didn't look much better so I took him to see his pediatrican Dr. Emm. He was seen by both Dr. Boe and Dr. Emm that morning and they determined Cameron had actually had an allergic reaction to the Amoxicillin he had taken for 10 days for an ear infection. He had finished his last dose on Saturday, the day of their party. He said Cameron had Serum Sickness, increased his steroid dose to 10 ml and said to keep up with Benadryl. He also gave me a list of things to watch for and said to bring him back on Friday if things didn't improve or to come back immediately if they got worse. Jeremy and I were both pretty scared through this but considering this is the Friday after all this went down, I'd say Cameron is in pretty good shape. His swelling is all gone and the rash is almost gone as well. Dr. Emm said if Cameron is exposed to Amoxicillin again, it will be life threatening for him. Now I'm left wondering if Lucy will ever experience this same thing. So scary for all of us! It's interesting though, how Cameron and Lucy have been effected by sickness over the past 2 years. Cameron has had everything from colds, to RSV, the stomach flu, the Croup, breathing difficulty needing nebulizer treatments, staph infection, and now Serum Sickness. Lucy of course started out with really bad acid reflux, but then has only had numerous colds with runny noses and an ear infection (maybe 2). I think teething has been harder on her though. Knock on word, that the worst is behind all of us. We like things boring and routine please:-)

Okay this might be the longest blog post ever but I really want to capture the Lucyisms and Cameronisms as well. We'll start with Lucy. She is spunky, sassy, shy, ornery, and sweet. She is always very busy and rarely sits still. She's always been smart and continues to prove this. She picks up on little things and seems to understand or remember things that continually surprise me. Some things that are standing out in my mind include knowing that when I head to my bathroom after work, I'm going to wash my face as well so she grabs my face wash from the shower. Or months ago she started putting dirty clothes in the laundry room hamper because that's where they go. She easily remembers where certain things are kept and even though she doesn't always verbalize it, she clearly knows the meaning of many words and concepts. She just seems to get things if that makes sense. She's very opinionated in that she knows exactly what she wants and is determined to get her way. Don't get me wrong, she has the sweetest demeanor, but if she's not happy she'll let us know.

Cameron is our silly sweet boy! He is shy, kind, and of course ornery. For the most part he is pretty easy going. He is all boy and loves to run around and play. He is really good with his words and communicates well with us. He is independent with his play and likes to sit quietly with his toys. He has a really good imagination and its fun to watch him play.

***okay so it's now May of 2015 and I pulled this post up and realized I never finished it. Feeling like a terrible mom here. I captured so much but never finished capturing Cameronisms. I'm posting what I have and will add more about Cameron in the next post which I'm in the middle of writing. Yep, a whole year later.

How is it possible that they are 2 already?!

Sesame Street Party! All monsters, birds, and grouches are welcome! :-)

Loving water play this year as 2 year olds!