Neither Cameron or Lucy is sleeping through the night just yet. Our goal is to have a 7:30 p.m. bedtime but it's a work in progress. Most nights we give them their last feeding around 7ish and then have them down around 8ish. Then they typically wake up in the 1 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. range for a feeding. Cameron is usually the one that wakes up hungry so we wake Lucy up to eat as well. It makes me wonder if Lucy could actually make it through the night if we didn't wake her up. For the sake of consistency though, we still feed them at the same time. Other than that, we might have random fussing here or there for a diaper change, a burp they didn't get out, or they just want to be cuddled. Daddy to the rescue for these moments! He's spending a great deal more time in our bed at night but still frequents the nursery recliner with one of the twins. On most days they take at least 2 good naps and then doze a bit here and there. We continue to let them nap in their pack n' play bassinets. Because of the reflux, Lucy can't lay flat to sleep and Cameron doesn't always sleep the best laying flat either. One day this darn reflux will improve! In the meantime though, Lucy still sleeps in her infant carrier at night, which we set in her crib. Cameron sleeps in his crib which has one end elevated. It helps keep his nighttime meals down. They're both still on the Zantac for reflux. Lucy is the reigning spit up queen. We manage to have a few days where the spit up is minimal but other days she shows off her projectile skills.
Lucy gave her first big smile on the morning of July 9th! I was getting her and Cameron ready for a walk and talking to her which seemed to delight her! It's been a fun month trying to get more smiles out of both of them. They're both really happy in the morning when they first get up and then at other random times throughout the day. Cameron and Lucy are both cooing for us as well. Lucy is the most vocal. She's still the fussiest (I blame the reflux) but also coos the most, too. While driving to the sitter's house the other morning she cooed the whole way there. It sounded like she was trying to sing! Occasionally Cameron lets out some noises that makes us think he's on the verge of laughing.
They attended their aunt Megan's baby shower on July 28th and got to meet some of Jeremy's relatives from southern Illinois. Jeremy's cousin Michelle brought her daughters Hailey and Aniston. The twins really perked up around the girls and had fun "playing" with them both at the shower and then back at our house. New little friends for the twins included Calyn Evans (5 months old) and Jonah Hunt (14 months old). It was fun to seem them around other little ones. Honestly though, I think it was much more entertaining for me than it was for them! ;-) Other than that, they continue to get tons of love from frequent family visitors and some friends of Jer's and mine, too. One thing is for sure, these babies aren't in lack of love, attention, or cuddles!!
One of Cameron's first smiles!
One of Lucy's first smiles!
Love those little butts!
Miss Lucy not wanting to nap...and yes I pulled their hoods up just for the photos!
Wait, you want us to smile at the camera?!!!
3 month pics with their puppy dogs!
Gaining some size on their puppies!
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