Wednesday, July 17, 2013

14 Months :-)

I have a hunch the blog posts are going to become fewer and farther between but I'm going to try my best to keep them going for a while longer. I love being able record memories for the twins and being able to look back to see what they did over the prior months. :-) This post is a bit long but I have a lot of reporting to catch up on! Cameron and Lucy turned 14 months on the 4th of July. We celebrated the day by joining the neighborhood 4th of July parade with their buddy Jonah Hunt. The parade was really cute since it was comprised of all the neighborhood kids on their bikes or strollers/wagons being pulled by their parents, all decorated for the 4th. They had more play time with Jonah that day and then we headed to Auntie Ann's and Uncle Ben's for a cookout. They had a blast playing with the toys Auntie Ann has collected for them and got to hang out with Ryder Marquardt. Cameron especially had fun grilling on the play grill. It was a great day! They haven't experienced fireworks yet though. We put them to bed at the normal time and figured we might give fireworks a try next year. Things seem to work best around here when we all stay on a schedule. ;-)

As I reported in the last blog post, Lucy can walk. She goes from room to room around our house and loves to walk laps around the main floor. She's had a handful of bruises on her head from perfecting her walk and even got a bloody nose today. It was brief and so far no bruising. We'll see how things look in the morning. Since the last post, Cameron has learned to walk, too!!! He took his first real steps on June 27th and has progressed since then. He will walk from Jeremy to me and back, and will also go from a piece of furniture to one of us. He's getting braver with his walking skills and is taking off on his own more. We used to have to encourage every step but the past few days, he's been venturing off on his own. He still crawls some but that is quickly changing! I'm just waiting for the bruising stage to begin with him as he takes a tumble or 2 learning the feel of his feet. :-( I guess sometimes you have to fall down and pick yourself back up as you learn new things. Knock on serious injuries yet for either one of them!

The twins have learned to crawl up the stairs. The other day, with daddy behind them, they crawled up the entire flight to the 2nd floor. This is shocking to me because we don't let them play on the stairs. We have gates up that prevent them from going up or down but somehow they have mastered stair climbing!! Cameron can crawl on his 4-wheeler by himself. Yesterday, Jeremy found him sitting on it in the family room waiting for a ride. Lucy is so impressed with her mobility that she apparently thinks she doesn't need to sit in her stroller any more. On several recent outings lately, she either refused to get in the stroller or hit a point where she was done riding in it. We're going to keep pushing this issue because we love getting them out on walks. We might try their wagon soon and see if that works better for her. Books are still a huge favorite around here. They pick out books and hand them to us so we'll read to them. Some favorites right now are Brown Bear Brown Bear, Good Night I Love You, I Love You Through and Through, Baby Einstein Barnyard Animals, The Very Busy Bunny (yes this is an Easter book), The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and anything with the Sesame Street characters. I may as well start the list of their favorite cartoons now as well because boy do they love a couple of them! We've tried hard to be anti-TV parents but over time they have watched a few cartoons and developed some favorites. We started turning on cartoons when Cameron has to have nebulizer treatments and then they catch some morning cartoons on the weekends (or on the 2 days they go to grammies during the week). They seriously get excited for a couple of them. Their absolute favorite cartoon is Super Why. They become mesmerized when the theme song comes on and usually start to dance or sing along with it. Using their own little language of course ;-) Other favorites are Cat In The Hat, Doc McStuffins, and Dinosaur Train.

The words they use most often are Dada, Mama or Mom, hey, hi, and doggie. Lucy can say duck. Cameron can say book, ball, moo, and yeah. They also say many other things that we can't understand yet. Cameron talks like no other some times and we just cannot wait to hear his stories one day. Lucy loves to sing in her own little way. They love to dance and hear music. If they start to get fussy or crabby, we can usually distract them with Itsy Bitsy Spider, Farmer in the Dell, or Old MacDonald. They pretty much love any and all toys these days. New summer favorites are the swings in our backyard, the water table, and their baby pool. We just started bathing them at the same time in the bathtub and they have so much fun!! Jer and I end up soaked from all their splashing. They laugh, scoot around the tub, line up their bath animals on the edge of the tub, and try to drink the tub water. Cameron likes to drink out of the fish cups in the tub. They love their stuffed animals and sleep with a few each night. They are quite attached to their loveys and carry them on and off throughout the day. And of course they can't go to sleep without them. One of Cameron's favorite games is to look at pictures. He points and wants for someone to tell him who the picture is of. I swear he gets most excited if we tell him the picture is of baby Cameron or baby Lucy. Lucy likes looking at pictures as well especially if the "dodgies" are in the pictures.

Other random updates...they are still in 12 month clothing. Cameron started wearing 18 month pajamas in the past few weeks. They are in size 3 diapers but wearing size 4 at night. We finally got rid of formula and they are 100% on whole milk. Starting tomorrow, they will be down to 2 bottles a day and using sippy cups the rest of the time. They no longer eat any baby food except for baby snack items such as Gerber puffs and yogurt melts. Lucy loves fruit and will only sometimes eat veggies. Cameron loves veggies and is more selective with fruit. We keep giving them everything to try though. When Lucy is done with her veggies she likes to fling her hands around her highchair tray and knock her food on the floor. She's very good at feeding Charlie, too. He has learned to sit by her and cry until she feeds him. Cameron likes to stick his unwanted food on the table next to him and will occasionally feed the dogs as well. Both Cameron and Lucy can be a bit ornery at times!! They're getting better about responding to being told "no." Sometimes Lucy accepts "no" as a challenge and will laugh and then proceed to do as she pleases. I will say that she has improved 100% with sharing. In the past few months, if she saw a toy that looked interesting (usually one Cameron was playing with) she would snatch it away from him. In the past couple weeks, she has changed to frequently offering Cameron toys and quickly giving him something she is playing with. It's so cute to watch them share! Cameron typically isn't too possessive with toys usually so this has not been an issue with him. For the most part, he's pretty laid back. Lucy has also started to "help" pick up toys. She will load all the Mr. Potato Head parts into the giant Mr. Potato Head they have. She will also hand me bath toys to put away.  We had to give Cameron another quick hair trim because his hair gets long around his ears and in the back. One day we're going to have to break down and get him a real haircut! Lucy's hair is getting longer and starting to curl in the back. Their teething are coming in like crazy. I can barely keep track of them any more!! Lucy has 2 bottom teeth and 1 top tooth, all in the front middle. She also has 2 more bottom teeth and 2 more top teeth coming in. Cameron has 2 top teeth and 2 bottom teeth with 4 more coming in. Within the past 2 weeks probably, their teeth finally popped through to the point where they aren't bothering them as much.

As Jeremy just said to me tonight, "our little joeys are growing up." :-) Joeys are kangaroo babies of course and they earned this nickname when I was pregnant with them. We have been blessed beyond belief with Cameron and Lucy. Each day is a reason to smile :-) Here are a few recent pictures.

Hmmm, I wonder if these will fit me...

Sleeping in her swing with her lovie (and a bruised forehead).

Playing with shapes.

A favorite book :-) Cam loves animals.
Night night baby Lucy. Then she pops her head up and then pretends to go to sleep again. :-)

Mmmm, grilled cheese.

And there's another bruise on her head.

An attempt to make a father's day picture for Jeremy. Cameron looks bored and Lucy appears to be givng the peace sign.

Waiting for a visitor.

Bottle time with his lovey and Lucy's.
Playing in the dirt as she's being told "no touch" over and over again :-)

Cameron decided to come help. They were removed from the scene of the crime right after the picture was taken ;-)

And on to the next month (or so!)!

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