Cameron, Lucy, and Grammy came along to the 34 week checkup. They got to see baby brother during the sonogram and hear his heartbeat. Pretty exciting! He was moving around, has lots of hair, and some cute and chubby cheeks! His measurements put him around 6 lbs! It was crazy and wonderful to hear that he likely weighs around 6 lbs already. The twins each weighed right around 5 lbs at birth and they were so tiny and fragile, particularly after they lost weight initially while in the nursery. Speaking of Cameron and Lucy, I think they are becoming even more excited for baby brother to arrive. Lucy has been kissing and hugging my belly lately and Cameron likes to pat it or press his hear against my stomach and wait for kicks. Cameron asked me the other day if the baby would be born in an egg. ;-)
Cameron and Lucy start pre-school on Tuesday, August 25th at Trinity Lutheran. They will go Tuesday/Thursday mornings from 8:30 - 11:00am. We went and registered last night. They were able to meet their teacher Mrs. Busse and visit their classroom. The visit went great! They were so excited to see all the toys, art supplies, and pet fish in the classroom. They used the little bathroom (the potty was just their size!) and found the cubby holes with their names on them. Cameron did not want to leave his classroom and declared he wanted to stay for school. He spotted a Ninja Turtle poster on the wall in the hallway so pretty sure that sealed the deal that school is a fun place. It warmed my heart like no other to watch their excitement about school. Part of me was ready to burst into tears thinking that they are old enough for 3 year old pre-school but I know they are going to love it. We all go back next week for their pre-school orientation. This is a private 30 minute meeting with their teacher. We will take their school supplies in that day day. I signed up last night to be a room parent. I cannot wait to be part of their classroom activities and school experience.
It's hard to believe it's already the middle of August and summer will be coming to an end soon. They have 2 gymnastics classes left. I have not yet decided if we'll sign them up for something else soon or wait until later in the year. Cameron had his first official haircut on May 19th and has had 2 additional cuts since then. He was nervous for his first haircut but he did great! Lucy had her first haircut on July 31st. She said she wanted to go to the beauty salon so I took her and Cameron in to have my hairdresser Jessica cut their hair. She works at Station 710 salon. Lucy did great at her first haircut! She sat quietly, ate her sucker, and let Jessica cut about 2-3 inches off her hair. It's still long and has curls but does not get as tangly. Cameron is a pro at getting haircuts now and Lucy did wonderful, too! I think their favorite part is when they get a ring pop when they are all done. It's the little things in life, right?! I asked the twins what they each want to be for Halloween this year. Cameron declared he wanted to be Superman or maybe even Mickey Mouse. Lucy said she wanted to be "maybe Cinderella" or even Elsa. I asked them what baby Brother should be and Cameron said, "Superman like I!" :-)
Baby Brother! Look at those chubby cheeks and that hair!
Lucy's first haircut before and after!
Cameron's 3rd haircut!
BFF's :-)
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