I'm 27 weeks along and I seriously feel like the pregnancy is flying by! The pregnancy is going really well and for the most part, Jeremy and I are just counting the weeks until they arrive. Our personal lives have slowed down quite a bit due to my bed rest schedule (still on half days) but its kinda nice to enjoy some quiet days at home. It's like we're hibernating for the winter :-) I've had numerous people tell me I'm glowing lately which is exactly how I feel. It's music to a pregnant woman's ears!! I have also been told I'm carring the babies really well. Again, so nice to hear! I don't think anyone wants to hear how "big" they're getting but I get that one, too. Hopefully that one is mostly just a growing belly referance! I officially joined my doctor's frequent flyer program and I visit the doctor every week now. Starting the week after next, I will start seeing my doctor twice a week. The purpose of the frequent appointments is to keep a super close eye on the pregnancy and make sure the babies keep doing great! Space is starting to get a little cramped for them. At my appointment today, our baby boy did a somersault in the middle of the sonogram session and completely changed positions. His head ended up where his feet had been only moments before. It really surprised the sono tech as well as myself and my sister. Andrea joined me for the appointment today and was able to see the twins first hand. She was a great fill in for Jeremy since he coudn't make it. Baby boy weighed in at 2 lbs 7 oz today and baby girl was 2 lbs 4 oz. Baby boy was putting on quite a show during our appointment. Not only did he do his somersault but he was also sticking his tongue out! It was pretty darn cute! The tech tried to get some good 4D pictures for us again but had a hard time capturing anything clear. She gave us quite a few of the regular sonogram pictures though. I absolutely love seeing them so frequently! I think my new favorite pastime is feeling them kick and squirm. It truly never gets old! I feel the babies move all the time now and it's apparent they are getting stronger and bigger. They seem to react to noise, light, and anything that pushes against my stomach.
Jeremy and I attended our first baby class, called Mommy & Me. The class taught general information about the babies right after they're born as well as how to care for them while they are newborns. We even practiced giving a baby doll a sponge bath. It was pretty entertaining to watch Jeremy help bathe a baby doll ;-) The Mothers Of Multiples sale was last weekend. Mom, Andrea, and I headed to the sale early Saturday morning. It was packed! We found some clothing items for the babies to grow into but that was it. I think if we go again, we'll need to get the early bird shopping pass. Several racks and tables were pretty picked over by the time we got there even though we arrived about 20 minutes after the sale started. I guess people go crazy for good deals!!
27 weeks!! Charlie insists on posing with me.
Charlie after his first bath in the bath tub. He was not a fan of bath time!
Relaxing in the sun together. Charlie is now about 3 times Zoey's size and weighs over 30 lbs!
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