Tuesday, March 27, 2012

30 Weeks: Interesting Day to Say the Least!

As of Monday, we're 30 weeks!! The babies are still doing great and so is their mama! I had a doctor's appointment today to meet with my doc and also have a non-stress test done. Everything is fine but I've now had my first official small pregnancy scare. Considering we're 30 weeks along though, that's pretty darn good! During each weekly non-stress test, I sit in a comfy recliner while monitors are strapped to my stomach. The monitors track the babies heart beats, movement, and any contractions I might be having. At last week's appointment, the monitors recorded two small contractions. Interesting but normal, particularly for this far along in a twin pregnancy. Today the monitors apparently showed some erratic results because after the test results were shown to my dr., the nurse informed me I was being pulled into a non-planned sonogram to check on the babies and make sure there isn't a cord around one of the baby's necks. I'm all for precaution and double-checking but those words were like a kick in the stomach. The sonogram showed everything was fine though and both cords were in safe places. Whew!!

Did I mention that I managed to dump my water bottle all over my lap and leggings during the non-stress test? That was fun and gave me the appearance of having just wet my pants or perhaps my water had just broken?! Or how about when the sono session was mostly over and I suddenly sat up (let's face it, lying on my back is NOT remotely comfortable any more) the goo the tech had rubbed on my stomach also made it's way onto my wet lap. So by the time I was sent to the third doctor's office room of today's visit, I'm sure I looked like a wet hot mess. And I don't mean hot as in PHAT. ;-) Regardless though, the Bradley twins are safe and secure in their little home and all is well in their world. My doctor just wants to make sure we make it 4 more weeks, if not longer! So I'm under strict instructions to cut my activity level down as far as possible for the next 4 weeks, aside from continuing to work half days. Lucky for me, Jeremy has been an awesome support system and really helps to make sure I stay on my butt as much as possible. I know he has to be going slightly stir crazy as well but he never complains to me about it! Charlie does a great job of keeping him busy. We had mulch put down on our landscaping this weekend and Charlie loves to eat it for some reason and kindly carries it back into the house with him. Between picking up the mulch, chasing Charlie down to retrieve his slippers or shoes, or taking our growing puppy for runs, Jeremy really is pretty busy lately!

The babies are each weighing in around 3 lbs 3 oz now. They've also had their bio-physical profiles done and they scored perfectly! The profiles look at measurements, breathing, movement, heart rates, etc. Doctor's visits are twice a week now. Jeremy and I attended the class breastfeeding basics. He was quite happy to see that 3 other daddies attended the class and he wasn't the only male. The teacher did a nice job of directing some of the class at the guys which was nice. I think that about covers the updates for now. Fingers crossed everyone for the next 4 weeks!!! As much as we absolutely cannot wait to officially meet our 2 bundles of joy, we would really like for them to stay put a while longer! 34 weeks (and maybe more) here we come!!!

30 Weeks and still growing!

Waiting on the babies.

A few of our favorite shots from the maternity photos my sister Andrea took for us. Thanks again sis!!!

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