Saturday, May 19, 2012

Welcome to the World Cameron & Lucy!

Cameron and Lucy entered the world on May 4, 2012!!! Lucy Kimberly was born at 4:22 p.m., weighed 4 lbs 15 oz, 18 inches long. Cameron John was born at 4:23 p.m., weighed 5 lbs 1 oz, 18 inches long. They were born when I was 35 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I started going into labor the evening of May 3rd. Jeremy and I were at home and the contractions I was having felt pretty intense with pains in my back and hips. We knew right away this was different than all the "practice" contractions I had been having for months. After 2 phone calls to my doctor, a warm bath, and an attempt to lay down for an hour, we headed to the ER at BroMenn and settled in for a long night. I was put on an IV right away and the contractions kept up through the night. At my doctor's appointment earlier that week, the decision had been made to let me try a normal delivery, pending the babies both stayed head down. On Friday afternoon, my doctor came to check me in the labor room and we learned I was dilated to 5, Cameron had gone breech, and I was leaking fluid. I was immediately prepped for a C-Section and our twins entered the world kicking and screaming, ready to meet the world! Cameron had some respiratory issues at birth and was quickly taken from the operating room to have a chest X-ray and ended up being given oxygen for several hours. Lucy checked out fine and I was allowed to hold her in the recovery room. When I was done in recovery, I was wheeled to the room where Cameron was so I could see my sweet boy. Eventually the decision was made to keep both babies in incubators called isolettes (which are completely enclosed, heated, clear boxes with a controlled environment) in the part of the nursery that is basically BroMenn's version of the NICU. The doctors wanted them to use their energy on getting strong and healthy instead of burning calories trying to maintain their body heat. They were also given feeding tubes and IV's but these were eventually removed as our hospital stay dragged out. They stayed in the isolettes until Lucy was released to our room on May 13 and Cameron was released on May 14. Fortunately the hospital let Jeremy and I stay there as long as the babies were being treated. We were so very lucky to be with our babies every day and receive a great deal of TLC from the nursery nurses. We also enjoyed the free food (it really wasn't bad at all!) and housekeeping. The nurses showed us how to properly care for our twins and kept us going with laughter, friendship, and guidance as we visited Cameron and Lucy in the nursery every 3 hours for diaper changes and feedings. And yes these were round the clock feedings. ;-) After about a week, some of the nurses took pity on us and moved us to a room closer to the nursery that also had a slightly more comfortable bed/chair for Jeremy. On Tuesday, May 15, the babies were officially discharged and we all headed home!! Lucy travels in an infant carrier/car seat and Cameron has to ride in a special carrier called a car bed. He was still under 5 lbs when we headed home and the car beds are safer for little babies and allow them to lay flat instead of upright.

Life at home has been a whirlwind to say the least. Getting home was the best thing ever but of course it's been a bit tiring as well. Both babies are on a special diet right now that includes breast milk, a bottle with milk fortifier, and a bottle of special high calorie formula designed for preemies. Feedings are every 3-4 hours. It's so nice to have them home and be able to catch their cute little facial expressions and hold their stares when they are awake. Their personalities are developing as well. So far Lucy is fussier overall. We worry she is developing colic or acid reflux but it's a bit soon to tell. Cameron is more laid back but hates having his clothes changed. Their cries sound very different at times, but I have to admit, in the middle of the night it's hard to distinguish which cry belongs to who at first!

Cameron and Lucy had their first outing yesterday!! We went to visit their pediatrician Dr. Emm for their first official doctor visit. During the hospital stay, I think we met every doctor in the practice as they came to evaluate the twins every morning. We learned both babies have gained weight since being home. Lucy weighed in at 5 lbs 6 oz and Cameron is 5 lbs. Supposedly Cameron has grown almost an inch and Lucy is still at 18 inches. Honestly though, I don't think the nurse did a great job measuring so we're not counting these as official measurements. We go back to the doctor on June 1st. At that time, Dr. Emm will determine if their feeding regimen can be changed and whether Cameron still needs to travel in the car bed. As soon as he can be in an infant carrier, we're heading outside for a walk! Both the hospital nurses and Dr. Emm said a walk would be great for them but they need to stay out of public/busy places for 2 months.

Our lives have been forever changed by our sweet little Cameron and Lucy. We prayed for them for a very long time and having them complete our family is just amazing. They wear us out daily but every little thing about them makes it all worthwhile! Cameron and Lucy, I hope you know how very much your mommy and daddy love you both!!!! And somehow that love just keeps on growing :-)

Just about ready for surgery!!

Sweet deliveries from friends & family.

My first Mother's day gifts. Cameron & Lucy were the best gifts of all!!

 Lucy's going home outfit.

Cameron's going home outfit.

Proud new parents :-)

 Welcome Home Cameron & Lucy!! My sister cleaned our house for us and decorated the outside for our homecoming. Coming home never felt so good!

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