It seems impossible that we're 33 weeks already. I'm not complaining one bit though! I still can't wait for our little peanuts to arrive and see their sweet little faces in person. We just want them to wait until they are fully developed and can enter the world safely! I have just a few updates since the last post. I'm on total bed rest now and have been since April 4th. It's going well and is highly exciting ;-) I've had some very sweet visitors and food deliveries. It's shocking I'm not gaining 10 lbs a week but I guess the babies are consuming their fair share! Knock on wood, I haven't had any swelling yet. A few weeks back, I developed an addiction to crushed ice. I couldn't get enough of it! This turned out to mean I had low iron and now I'm on iron supplements. Isn't that random?! I'm still going to the doctor twice a week and the appointments are the highlight of my week. I look forward to the appointments but they also make me a bit nervous. In the past two weeks, I've heard that the flow in baby boy's cord was restricted and then we learned that both babies had the cords around their necks. Both issues are okay though and fixed themselves from what I understand. Vitals and growth are still looking really good and that's the important part! The last set of measurements showed each baby weighs 3 lbs 15 oz. I'm hoping by this Thursday (my next dr. visit) they will both be over 4 lbs!
Jeremy is continuing to run the household and doing a very good job. Charlie went to doggy day camp at Paradise Pets for the first time last week. He seemed to love it and got a great report card (yes, they seriously sent him home with a report card). Apparently he made some new friends! Zoey missed him when he was gone but day camp wore him out, which was great for me. I read the Hunger Games series last week and am now highly disappointed I can't go see the movie any time soon. Guess I'll just wait for the eventual Netflix release!
Not sure if I'll do another blog post or not before the babies arrive. It just depends on how soon they decide to make their appearances!! My doctor did say if labor starts in the next 2 weeks, they will still try to slow it down. We'll see what happens!! :-)
33 weeks!
My current babies. 2 more coming soon!!
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