Monday, September 17, 2012

Cereal Time!!

The twins had their first bite of food on September 9, 2012! They had rice cereal...yum yum!! Cameron absolutely loved it! Lucy had a love hate relationship with it. As in she loved to hate it. ;-) Both of their first bites brought on somewhat surprised and confused faces. It was so funny to watch their little mouths try to work the cereal around as they figured out what to do with it. By the second bite Cameron started kicking his little legs and making num num type noises as he grew more and more excited for each new bite. Lucy's reaction was the exact opposite. She grew increasingly fussy as each bite was put in her mouth. She managed to swallow some but truly did not enjoy the taste. We continued to give them rice cereal each subsequent night and the feedings were pretty similar to the first. Cameron ate the cereal like he'd been waiting for it for months and Lucy acted like we were feeding her something awful. Our routine has been to give them the cereal around dinner time. On September 16 they both tried oatmeal cereal. The doctor recommended oatmeal cereal as an alternative to rice cereal. He said some babies hate the rice but love the oatmeal. Lucy is one such baby. We gave her oatmeal again tonight and she really liked it. We even got some smiles out of her during cereal time! We plan to continue with the cereal after dinner for a bit longer before trying vegetables. Our little babies are growing up a teeny tiny bit!! It's hard to believe we're already starting to feed them with spoons while they sit in their high chairs. :-) 

Yummm..what is this stuff?!

Seriously, I don't want any more...

So good, I have to eat my hands between bites!!

Nope, still not enjoying it.


Finally, cereal success for Lucy! Oatmeal cereal is delicious!!

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