They're still eating cereal and doing great with it. Lucy has learned to like the rice along with the oatmeal cereal. Cameron LOVES both. He becomes quite upset once he realizes he's not getting any more cereal at a feeding. It takes him a couple minutes to realize he's full. Aside from that they're still getting bottles with breast milk and formula. They take 6, 4 oz bottles a day and have cereal twice a day. Sleeping is going really well at night. Some nights they still wake up in the wee hours of the morning hungry (around 3 a.m. give or take). Other nights they make it all the way through until at least 4:30 or 5 a.m. They always go back to sleep quickly after their feeding. On week day mornings we wake them up at 5:45 a.m. for the day. On weekends they typically sleep until 7 a.m. Cameron has become quite good at rolling from his back onto his tummy. So good in fact that he does his trick in the middle of the night and then can't seem to flip himself back over. He ends up fussing until we go in and flip him to his back again. One night he did this about 5 times. Silly boy! Lucy will roll over on occasion but mostly just kinda rolls from side to side. She found her feet this month and loves to lay on her back and grab them. She figured out how to pull off her socks and then of course they end up in her mouth! That's another big thing this past month, everything is going in their mouths. Bibs, burp rags, toys, and their hands quite frequently! They haven't had any teeth pop through yet but they sure seem to have all the symptoms of teething. Cameron really goes to town on his hands and he likes chewing on teething toys, too. I'm guessing he'll have a tooth pop through first. Lucy loves to look around at everything and everyone. It's hard to keep a bottle in her mouth at meal time because she's so busy trying to look around at everything! Cameron loves to watch tv. If the tv is on in the family room, he will reposition himself so he can watch it. He takes after his daddy who will seriously watch anything on tv ;-) Lucy also enjoys staring at the tv at times. Many days, I end up turning it off so the twins focus on other things. Both Cameron and Lucy like being read to but books are holding Cameron's attention the longest these days. He sat contently looking at the pages while I read 7 books to him the other day.
The acid reflux has taken a major turn for the better!! They both still spit up some but it has improved greatly! Lucy has had reflux the worst but I know she feels better than in prior months. She's so much happier lately!! Jeremy and I joke that she and Cameron switched places. Lucy is suddenly more laid back and very quick to smile or laugh. Cameron becomes fussier quicker nowadays. I think this is partially due to possible teething. Cameron seems to study people and things a bit more than Lucy. Once he warms up to someone or something though, he laughs readily and will flash some smiles. Cameron battled his first cold this month and dealt with a runny nose off and on. Knock on wood, so far neither one has had much more than a runny nose. We run the vaporizer for them nightly and use saline drops as needed.
Cameron and Lucy started enjoying their baths more this month. They really like it when I pour water on their toes and tummies. Both usually smile and laugh a bit throughout their baths. We have a good bath time routine going where I bathe one, then Jeremy gives me the other twin to bathe while he puts the first twin in their pj's. After they're both dressed and smelling like the sweet babies they are, we play in the nursery for a short bit and then they fall asleep pooped from their day. Usually one of us rocks Lucy for a few minutes and then puts her in her crib so she can fall asleep. Cameron has to be walked around for a few minutes and then we lay him down when he's out. Lucy is still sleeping in her car seat in the crib but we're working on transitioning her from that since her reflux is doing so much better. Hopefully by 6 months the car seat is gone and used only for car rides!!
They visited the pumpkin patch this month!! We took them to Rader Farms with my parents and my sister. They rode around the farm in their stroller and ended up falling asleep. We put them in blue jeans for the first time which I think is the cutest thing ever! Wearing blue jeans isn't exactly a milestone but its fun to see them in big kid clothes. ;-) They had a big play date with some of my friends and their little ones. Kelly, Lea, Kristy, Laura, Kristen, Liz and I all got together for pizza and watched the little ones run around and play. Okay, so the twins were held the entire time but it was fun to watch the 1+ year olds and get a pretty good idea of what the twins will be up to next fall. Jonah Hunt, Jameson Weber, Reagan Rudicil, and Cora Jackson are all adorable and were fun to watch.
We're already a few days into the twins 6th month and getting very excited for their first Halloween!! We're still a few weeks away but their costumes are all set for trick or treating!
5 months!! Almost as big as their puppy dogs!!
Cameron quickly decided sitting up was for the birds. Flop - onto his tummy he goes!!
Mmmm..yummy puppy dog arm!
Rader Farms! First pumpkin patch trip and wearing blue jeans!
Cameron's all warm and toasty in his puppy towel after a bath.
Lucy is a squeaky clean little ducky!
Hanging out in Cameron's crib watching the mobile!
They really started to pay attention to each other this month!
Play seat with LOTS of toys to look at :-)
Just rolling around!
Cute lil butts!!
Daddy and Lucy
Mommy and Cameron
A few more shots from the Rader Farm trip.
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